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Release Notes (Sitecore CMS 5.1 and CMS 5.2)

April 27, 2006

SharePoint Connector module 2.0.3 is released.


April 04, 2006

SharePoint Connector module 2.0.2 is released.


March 13, 2006

SharePoint Connector 2.0.1 is released.

Recent changes and fixes:

February 2006

SharePoint Connector 2.0 is released.

Note: This is the first release for Sitecore V5. There is no possibility to upgrade SharePoint Connector 1.0 (for Sitecore 4.x) to SharePoint Connector 2.0 (for Sitecore V5) 

1.  Known Issues

This section contains known issues concerning the current release of the module.